Tuesday, May 19, 2009

2nd Art Show at the Elementary School

My 2nd art show was held last Thursday night at the Elementary school (grades 3 and 4). I sprinkled the hallway with lots of art put up in more of a mixed up way then at the Primary Building. I really wanted to give it that 'gallery' feel and that's the exact comment I got from a lot of the teachers and staff!

The sad news? The displays were all taken down today and cut apart, so that artwork can be given back to the students before school's out. It was up for exactly 8 days. 2 of which included a weekend. How sad! Good news? 11 days until summer vacation.

Little picture of just part of the hallway (I hung a total of 27 of them!).


  1. Congrats! This looks fantastic! Too bad it couldn't have stayed up longer, I know the feeling! Our art show this year will only be a single day!

  2. *ahem* i think you meant to say you hung 27 of them along with the help of your amazing big sister! haha! :)

    they do look nice. too bad they couldn't have stayed up longer, but like you said- school is almost out! woohoo!

  3. Yes, they do look VERY nice. I am getting ready to hang our art show (one evening) next week. You have given me great ideas- put pictures on cloth rather than on the cork strip. But how is the brown paper held up? And how do you attach the pictures to the brown paper or cloth? Tape? I end up putting artwork through the halls on cement block walls. When I hang it up in the morning, half of the pictures are down by the afternoon. Any secrets? I have loved your site all year and have used many of your ideas. Thanks so much.

  4. Hi,
    Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad I could be of help to you. That is craft roll or butcher paper as we'd call it. I laid out the artwork and tacked it down with a dot of elmers glue in each corner. Then, I used 3M Masking tape (lots of rolls) on the back of the big sheets. NO staples! And we have the most humid school...EVERYTHING STUCK and really great too! It should work for you. Use the 2" masking tape, and put it on the back going horizontal not vertical, so it doesn't 'slip' down and off the wall. It works, trust me! Good luck!

  5. This looks great! What did you use for this? Big pieces of cardboard? Thank you for any tips!
