Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cities using Rulers, 3rd Grade

I think I have an obsession with cityscapes. Either way, the kids don't seem to mind--because they LOVE drawing cities, too especially when I give them free reign of what type of buildings/companies/stores/restaurants can go into them.

This year, I incorporated ruler use, and had each student make a 3.5 " building and a 5" building. Anything like that to throw some math in the lesson is always a plus! I went around and "checked" the buildings to make sure they were accurate.

This time around, we used prismacolors for our cities, and watercolor for our sky. I tend to switch it up every year--this year, I liked the results!


  1. Oh I just love these, the colours are so urban! Really good project!

  2. Your blog is great. :) Thanks for posting ideas. If you have a moment, check out my art room website. :)


  3. I think I have an obsession with cityscapes. Either way, the kids don't seem to mind--because they LOVE drawing cities..
